Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Real Reason Djokovic is Being Detained

Australia's battle against Novak Djokovic appears to ba about forcing political submission, not health. The NY Times reports:
In a statement explaining why he revoked Djokovic’s visa a second time, Alex Hawke, Australia’s minister for immigration, argued that if Djokovic were allowed to remain in Australia and play, the influential tennis star could harm efforts to combat the virus. The government has conceded that Djokovic poses no imminent threat to spread the disease. It is more about the example it would set by allowing him to stay.

“Given Mr. Djokovic’s high-profile status and position as a role model in the sporting and broader community,” Hawke said in a statement, “his ongoing presence in Australia may foster similar disregard for the precautionary requirements following receipt of a positive Covid-19 test in Australia.”

Djokovic’s lawyers argue that the government unfairly based their decision to revoke his visa again on the premise that Djokovic would engender anti-vaccine sentiments and not on the rule of law.

I am surprised that the Australian authorities would admit this. We have had two years of crazy health advice and orders, making many suspicious that the pandemic was just used as an excuse to force new rules on everybody.

Now it is confirmed. Djokovic is not being allowed to tried for his 21st big tourney win. Not because he might spread the disease, but because he might spread opinions about freedom and personal choice.

Update: The Australian court ruled against Djokovic.

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