Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Why Melinda took her billions and left

The NY Times reports:
Long Before Divorce, Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior

By the time Melinda French Gates decided to end her 27-year marriage, her husband was known globally as a software pioneer, a billionaire and a leading philanthropist.

But in some circles, Bill Gates had also developed a reputation for questionable conduct in work-related settings. That is attracting new scrutiny amid the breakup of one of the world’s richest, most powerful couples.

So I guess it is clear that Melinda is the one who bailed. Melinda is the one who filed the divorce papers.

Jeff Bezos was also divorced recently, and his wife was the one to file the divorce papers with the court.

Some of the employees said that while they disapproved of Mr. Gates’s behavior, they did not perceive it to be predatory. They said he did not pressure the women to submit to his advances for the sake of their careers, and he seemed to feel that he was giving the women the space to refuse his advances. Even so, Mr. Gates’s actions ran counter to the agenda of female empowerment that Ms. French Gates was promoting on a global stage. On Oct. 2, 2019, for example, she said she would spend $1 billion promoting “women’s power and influence in the United States.”

“Even though most women now work full-time (or more), we still shoulder the majority of caregiving responsibilities; we face pervasive sexual harassment and discrimination; we are surrounded by biased and stereotypical representations that perpetuate harmful gender norms,” she wrote in a column in Time magazine announcing the pledge.

This is all very strange for her to complain about. They lived in a $100 million house. And she complains that she had to do some caregiving?

By her own accounts, Bill Gates was her boss as he asked her out at Microsoft, and she refused to go on a date with him the first couple of times he asked. By current standards, that was sexual harassment:

Rather than harshly regulate every step of this sexual-legal minefield, Facebook preferred to lay down basic guidelines. Delicately, but unambiguously, our HR Man stated that we could ask a coworker out once, but no meant no, and you had no more lets after that. After one ask, you were done, and anything beyond that was subject to sanction.
So is she really saying that it was wrong for her to have dated Bill Gates? Was she harmed somehow?

She married the world's richest man, and lived like a queen. The NY Times recites some petty complaints about Bill, but he remains one of the most respected, influential, and admired men in the world. But not good enough for Melinda, it appears. Feminism convinces women that no man is ever good enough for them.

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