Monday, July 15, 2024

Trump Florida Case is Dismissed

Democrats and Trump-haters have been lecturing us on how no one is above the law, and how rule of law requires that Trump must be prosecuted like anyone else.

Now the courts have ruled that the prosecutions were entirely illegal. The evidence was illegally collected, and violated Trump's right.

Politico reports:

Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the federal criminal case against Donald Trump charging him with amassing highly sensitive national security secrets at his Mar-a-Lago estate and then obstructing government efforts to reclaim them.

Cannon, in a 93-page ruling, concluded that special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. Smith is likely to appeal the ruling.

“The Court is convinced that Special Counsel’s Smith’s prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme — the role of Congress in the appointment of constitutional officers, and the role of Congress in authorizing expenditures by law,” Cannon wrote.

Cannon’s lengthy ruling cites, on three separate occasions, a solo concurring opinion Justice Clarence Thomas issued earlier this month when the Supreme Court ruled on Trump’s presidential immunity claims in connection with another prosecution Smith brought against Trump: The case charging him with conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Biden and Garland could have avoided this by using a lawfully appointed and confirmed US attorney. They stubbornly stuck to Jack Smith, even though he did not have the public accountability that the US Constitution requires.

This Florida case was considered the strongest one against Trump. It had no merit.

It is funny to see the reactions of all those rule-of-law Democrats:

From “breathtakingly misguided” to “unthinkable”, and “her audition for a seat on the US supreme court”, judge Aileen Cannon’s ruling to dismiss Donald Trump’s classified documents case on Monday drew a range of outrage and surprise from Democrats and law experts. ...

“Judge Cannon did the unthinkable. Her decision is unprecedented and extreme, and very likely to be reversed on appeal,” said Laurence Tribe, Carl M Loeb University professor and professor of constitutional law at Harvard Law School, and a Guardian columnist. ...

Adam Schiff of California, a Democratic member of the House judiciary, also alleged political interference, but from an opposite perspective.

“Today’s precedent-shattering decision in Florida is further proof that the guardrails of our democracy are coming down,” he said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Again, a partisan judge throws out decades of precedent to reach a desired political outcome.”

They all complain that any Trump trial cannot be before the November election. The whole point was to beat Trump in the courts, because they cannot fairly beat him in the election. Their complaints show that the prosecutions were political.

It appears that the main reason Biden and Garland appointed Jack Smith was so that they could disclaim responsibility for an obviously partisan political prosecution. But the move was blatantly against our whole constitutional system of separation of powers. Prosecutions are under our Executive Branch, and Biden must take responsibility for what the Branch does.

The Biden campaign is basing its case for reelection on the idea that Trump is a threat to democracy. The truth is the opposite. Biden is the threat, as the illegal Jack Smith appointment showed. Biden subverted laws and democratic accountability in order to vindictively jail his political enemy.


CFT said...

Democrats: No one is above the law (unless they are old and senile old men unable to stand trial)

Also Democrats: If it wasn't for that damned constitution and that meddling Supreme Court we would have gotten away with it! foiled again!

The Democrat party should consider being relabelled to 'Scooby Doo-Doo party'.

Presently on the 'Threat to DEMOCRACY' list of things Democrats have ACTUALLY said in public that they want to do away with:

The Declaration of Independence (Racist, we'd been better off as subjects of the King)
The Constitution (Racist)
The Supreme Court (Racist)
The Senate (Racist)
The Electoral College (Racist)
The separation of State and Federal courts (In their way...constitutional smonstitutional)
Due Process (who needs a trial or evidence when you can BELIEVE ALL WOMEN!!)
Habeas Corpus (trespassing should be considered high TREASON without legal representation!)
The Military (We need their money)
The Police (Racist Racist Racist)
The Border (Racist...and what border?)

I'm beginning to suspect the Democrat party doesn't like much about America.

CFT said...

How about the fact that the accusation was that Trump tried to 'influence' a FEDERAL election...and then it was tried in STATE court? How? The Feds knew they didn't have a case they could prosecute, and they very much wanted to because Biden directed them to do so...but somehow they were OK with the whole thing being handled in a state court room? The entire case reeked of corruption.