Monday, December 30, 2024

Atheists who Hate Binary Sex

I tried to follow the atheist attacks on biologists, but I see no merit to them.

The atheists hold themselves out as scientific, rational, and objective, but they have no substantive rebuttal to biologists who say human sex is binary.

Here is a weak attempt, from a 2018 Evolution Society letter:

Variation in biological sex and in gendered expression has been well documented in many species, including humans, through hundreds of scientific articles. Such variation is observed at both the genetic level and at the individual level (including hormone levels, secondary sexual characteristics, as well as genital morphology). Moreover, models predict that variation should exist within the categories that HHS proposes as “male” and “female”, indicating that sex should be more accurately viewed as a continuum.* Indeed, experiments in other organisms have confirmed that variation in traits associated with sex is more extensive than for many other traits.

*Here we are speaking of the multi-dimensional aspects that underlie male-ness and female-ness, including hormones, physiology, morphology, development, and genetic aspects. We acknowledge that many of these aspects are bimodal. Furthermore, some of these aspects are discrete categories (e.g., XX/XY, SRY presence/absence, gamete size, sperm production vs egg production, presence/absence of certain genitalia), but these categories don’t always align within individuals, are not always binary, and should be irrelevant to the determination of a person’s legal rights and freedoms.

If you read this carefully, it acknowledges that several sex definitions can be given, such as XX/XY, SRY, or gamete size. The gripes are that (1) these definitions do not always align; (2) they may not be binary in theoretical models; and (3) they should not affect legal rights.

Even if there are peculiarities in one-in-a-million freaks, or in mathematical models, they have almost nothing to do with current transgender issues. Nearly all trans people are unambiguously one sex, and then acting as another.

So what is going on here? Why would science advocates be so vigorously against good science?

I see two explantions. First, they are radical leftists who want to dismantle sex roles.

Second, they hate Christian nationalists most of all, and Christians line up against transgenderism, so their tribal loyalty is with the opposing view.

1 comment:

CFT said...

There are a lot of people running around who have been eaten by their own ideology and who conflate having a purpose to make themselves feel better with seeking truth even when unpleasent. When your beliefs force you to blind yourself, you are already wrong, now try something else.