Monday, November 18, 2024

DEI is Wrecking the Space Program

We put a man on the Moon in 1969, but that was racist and sexist, because we put a White man on the Moon, and did it all with White male engineers. Even worse, one of the leaders was a German Nazi.

That is now embarrassing, so they made a movie about how all the calculations were done by Black women.

Nobody believed that, so the feds started the Artemis program to put a Black woman on the Moon, using DEI engineers. It has spent about $100 billion already, and a lunar landing is still 5-10 years away.

Now it is in danger:

NASA's plagued Space Launch System rocket, which is being developed to deliver the first astronauts to the Moon in over half a century, is on thin ice.

According to Ars Technica senior space reporter Eric Berger's insider sources, there's an "at least 50-50" chance that the rocket "will be canceled."

"Not Block 1B. Not Block 2," he added, referring to the variant that was used during NASA's uncrewed Artemis I test flight in 2022 and a more powerful design with a much higher translunar injection payload capacity, respectively. "All of it."

NASA spending is often justified as advancing technology, but this is not even doing that. The SpaceX rockets are reusable. The Artemis rockets are not. It is obsolete already.

The problem here is that the government now hires and operates based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion now, while in the 1960s it was able to get the best and smartest for the Apollo program.

1 comment:

CFT said...

'Wrecking'? That's hilarious. It's been wrecked for years. We don't have a functioning space program currently. NASA should be gutted until all that remains is that which is required to launch telecommunication satellites and UNmanned space probes...and then that remainder should be sifted through again carefully to remove any remaining political fluff left over.

The country simply can not afford weird minority outreach programs under the label 'manned space missions'. Manned space travel serves no purpose other than 'Rah Rah SCIENCE!' propaganda, lots of useless government employment, and idle curiosity.

You want people in space? Let's start with: Why? For the love of god, it had better not be tourism, because that's just the equivalent of the government sponsored 100 mile high club for billionaires. Not a lot of customers can afford this kind of vanity trophy, and if it is enacted it will grow stale quickly as a Las Vegas casino as the well heeled move on to ever more du jour ways to spend more dollars than sense.

Manned space travel isn't romantic. It's incredibly boring, extremely claustrophobic, highly deadly, and very expensive.
If you want to be entertained about space travel, read a book or watch a movie, and leave government expenditures to useful endeavors that actually help our country.