Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Dumb medical journal news of the day. The current medical journal JAMA reports that UN/WHO says safety is a human right. It goes on to explain how this should help health professionals to lobby for things like helmet laws. Soon, the United Nations will get involved. The medical journals are contributing to the cause by banning the word accident!

Many in the health care community believe most injuries can be avoided. This opinion led the British Medical Journal to ban inappropriate use of the word "accident," with the journal's editors arguing that most injuries are preventable. The Journal of the American Medical Association and the specialty Archive journals of the AMA pioneered in avoiding use of the word. In this evolving atmosphere, proponents of the Montreal Declaration said their document can help persuade governments and corporations that they have a duty to protect citizens and consumers, and if they do not do so, they will be held accountable. [cites omitted]

It is just amazing how silly these medical journals can be. They think that they are accomplishing something by banning the word accident and by a UN committee declaring that safety is a right. It seems that BMJ thinks an accident is an "act of God", and the editors don't want to imply that God had anything to do with it.

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