Monday, February 03, 2020

Against Fairness

From a Quillette essay on bias:
Americans are taught, from an early age, that no one is intrinsically “higher” or “lower” than anyone else, that everyone is equally valuable. The United States “is built on the idea that all citizens as citizens are of equal worth and dignity,” as philosopher Martha Nussbaum puts it. So how do we reconcile our evolutionarily programmed favoritism with our conflicting sense of equality for all?
No, the US is not built on that idea. That is just more goofy stuff that Jews say.

The Jewish religion is based on Jews being superior, and everyone else being equal to each other. They say this, in various ways, all the time. They say these things as a way of saying that White Christians were no better than African slaves. The NY Times 1619 Project says similar things.

How did we get to the point where someone quotes a female Jewish philosophy professor on US political foundations? This is about like quoting a Communist on US political foundations. Or quoting a Moslem on Israel foundations.

The article goes on to say that parents care for their own kids more than strangers. The author wrote a 2013 book on "Against Fairness". This fact is obvious to everyone except philosophers, which commonly say that such preferences are irrational.

For other goofy stuff Jews say, see this NY Times article:
Touching the thumb and index finger to make a circle, with the remaining three fingers held outstretched, is a gesture that people around the world have made for centuries, mostly in positive contexts.

It is used for several purposes in sign languages, and in yoga as a symbol to demonstrate inner perfection. It figures in an innocuous made-you-look game. Most of all, it has been commonly used for generations to signal “O.K.,” or all is well.

But in recent years, it has also been appropriated for a more malign purpose — to signify “white power.” The gesture has become an extremist meme, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
Here is a Jewish organization trying to co-opt a symbol that has been innocuously used for centuries.

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