Monday, May 08, 2017

Watergate burglar was CIA agent

I missed this story last year:
CIA report reveals mole among Watergate burglars – Cuban exile Eugenio Martinez

President Richard Nixon, left, and Watergate burglar and CIA agent, Eugenio Martinez. (Photos: Associated Press)

President Richard Nixon, left, and Watergate burglar and CIA agent, Eugenio Martinez. (Photos: Associated Press)

Forty-four years ago, a handful of men broke into an office in Washington, D.C., and two years later the president of the United States resigned.

There have always been questions about the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement in the most famous burglary in the history of the U.S., at the Watergate Hotel offices of the Democratic National Committee in June 1972. Likewise, the connection to the Cuban exile community in South Florida has long been noted.

Now, a report released thanks to a Freedom of Information request has revealed that one of the five men arrested at the Watergate complex, Eugenio Martinez, was both: a Cuban exile and a CIA agent.
I thought that the most incriminating accusation against President Richard Nixon in the Watergate scandal was that he obstructed justice by telling an aide to tell the DoJ that the Watergate burglary was a CIA operation.

Now it turns out that Nixon was telling the truth!

I have found that, in casual conversation, everyone agrees that Nixon was guilty, but no one can tell me what he did wrong. Now I learn that I was also mistaken about what he did wrong.

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