Thursday, February 27, 2025

Book on Covering Up Biden's Decline

CNN reports:
The day after Donald Trump won the 2024 election, CNN anchor Jake Tapper and Axios correspondent Alex Thompson decided to co-author a book about what had led the Democratic party to defeat, with a focus on former President Joe Biden.

The deeply sourced reporters found what they call a “cover-up” of the former president’s “serious decline.”

The resulting book, titled “Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-up, and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again,” is coming out on May 20.

The book’s publisher, Penguin Press, announced the project on Wednesday.

“What you will learn makes President Biden’s decision to run for reelection seem shockingly narcissistic, self-delusional, and reckless — a desperate bet that went bust — and part of a larger act of extended public deception that has few precedents,” Penguin said in a press release.

This is like saying my pit bull made a disastrous decision to roam the street.

Pres. Biden was just a Biden. There is no proof that he ever made any decisions by himself.

Everyone knew in 2020 that Biden was not very smart, and in 2023 that his mental abilities were in serious decline. Maybe CNN and the Democrat Party tried to cover it up, but it was well-reported in the right-wing press.

Just because Biden ran again, the Democrats did not have to support him. They could have had contested primaries.

Finally, the real disaster was running Kamala Harris. However incompetent and ill-suited Biden was, Harris was worse. And yet most of the news media, intellectuals, hollywood, and power elites endorsed her as if she were fit to be President.

1 comment:

CFT said...

The modus operandi of the DNC has always been 'deny deny deny', and if finally caught red handed, 'well, it doesn't matter anyway', or 'that's ancient history'. This is what happened for Ted Kennedy with his little dead girlfriend problems, Clinton with his little humidor intern problems, Hunter Biden with his little grifting and laptop from hell problems, and Biden being incompetent in general problem (Obama himself did say "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.")

The Democrats are definitely trying to scrape Biden off their collective shoes so they can feel better about themselves after losing the White house, and excuse their own part they played in 'trying' to cover up Biden's many fiascos.