Thursday, November 09, 2023

ADL Founded to Defend a Murderer

Ron Unz writes:
the 1915 killing of Leo Frank, a Jewish factory manager in Atlanta, Georgia, arguably the most famous lynching in American history. Frank had been convicted and sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a young girl in his employ and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was founded in an effort to save his life. After numerous legal appeals failed, the state’s governor eventually commuted Frank’s sentence and a group of outraged citizens responded by hanging Frank. ...

Let us summarize what seems to be the solidly established factual history of the Frank case, quite different than the traditional narrative. There is not the slightest evidence that Frank’s Jewish background was a factor behind his arrest and conviction, nor the death sentence he received. The case set a remarkable precedent in Southern courtroom history with the testimony of a black man playing a central role in a white man’s conviction. From the earliest stages of the murder investigation, Frank and his allies continually attempted to implicate a series of different innocent blacks by planting false evidence and using bribes to solicit perjured testimony, while the exceptionally harsh racial rhetoric that Frank and his attorneys directed towards those blacks was presumably intended to provoke their public lynching. Yet despite all these attempts by the Frank forces to play upon the notorious racial sentiments of the white Southerners of that era, the latter saw through these schemes and Frank was the one sentenced to hang for his rape and murder of that young girl.

He then says that the best book on the subject has been purged from Amazon for being anti-semitic. And Unz's web site was blackballed.

I found this:

The ADL: an organization whose mission is to keep alive the age-old perceptions of Jews as whiny liars, greedy cheats and shameless shakedown artists.
It is worse than that.

Wikipedia says that there is a consensus that Frank was innocent, and framed. However, google it, and you will find the opposite. Of those who have looked at the evidence, most say that he was guilty of rape and murder.

I don't know if Frank did it or not, but by all accounts he got a fair trial and was not punished out of prejudice. If anything, the White Georgia citizens were probably prejudiced against the Black suspects, and for Frank. So why did Jews and Jewish organizations spend so much money and efforts to exonerate Frank and frame a Black janitor?

This past month I have heard endless Jewish complaints about anti-semitism. 90% of anti-semitism complaints have turned out to be hoaxes. I have quit listening.

When pressed for examples, Jewish organizations like the ADL bring up stories like Leo Frank. No. Frank was a Jew fairly found guilty of raping and murdering a White girl, based largely on the testimony of Black witnesses. I think the point of the story is that Jews should not be held accountable by goys for crimes against goys.

But the Gaza attack was anti-semitic, you might say. I am not sure. It seems to be a territory dispute. Anyway, Israel has already gotten its revenge, ten times over. No reason for anyone else to get involved.

The Gaza Arabs complain that they are being bombed. But they are not releasing the hostages. American Jews complain that many Leftist groups support Hamas, from the river to the sea. But the Jews still vote against Donald Trump and are doing everything to destroy him.

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