Friday, November 13, 2009

These laws of physics -- whose rules are those?

This story is circulating:
Apparently, the Obama administration sent a team of bureaucrats out to consult with Dr. Cole about the future of American automobile design and manufacturing. ...

When they were finished telling Dr. Cole about their requirements, he explained that in order to achieve the stated result, one would need a trunk full of batteries and an LNG tank as large as an automobile. ...

One Obama person interrupted and said, "These laws of physics … whose rules are those? We need to change that.” Others on the team wrote down the name of the law so they could look it up later. “We have the congress and the administration on our side,” said one official. “We can repeal that law, amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. That's why we are here, to fix these sorts of issues."
Too bad there is no video for YouTube.


Anonymous said...

There is no video because this conversation never took place. You should do more research before you post this stuff.

Roger said...

I wasn't claiming that the story was literally true. I just said that the story is circulating. I quoted it for an attitude that I would like to see on video.