Thursday, August 25, 2005

Breastapo strikes

Sally Satel writes:
he Breastapo are at it again, trying to dictate what American women should and shouldn't do with their breasts. ...
"They're making women sick," Kim Gandy of NOW weighed in. "Women will risk a lifetime of grave complications from faulty breast implants because the Bush administration and their appointees value short-term profits over women's long-term health." ...

Study after study confirms silicone implants do not cause disease. It is now 13 years since FDA Commissioner David Kessler imposed a voluntary moratorium on silicone implants, motivated by case reports that they caused connective tissue diseases (e.g., lupus, scleroderma). ...

Throughout the 1990s, litigation against the silicone-implant industry flourished in the absence of any scientific proof that women were made ill by implants. Dow Corning Corporation, once the biggest implant maker, filed for bankruptcy in 1995 to pay $3.2 billion to settle about 440,000 women's claims. ... No rigorously designed study showed any evidence of disease.

Still, the feminist health groups keep pumping out misinformation.
I guess some anti-science feminists don't want women to control their own bodies.

Actress Tara Reid says, "I mean, everyone does it. I don't know why I'm the one who gets so much attention?" She says that she is looking for Mr. Right.

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