Thursday, January 30, 2025

Progressive Woke Movement is Over

Skeptic Michael Shermer tweets:
My advice to Democrats:

1. The far left progressive woke movement is over. Even if it seems like a good idea at the time (#metoo, #BLM, #georgefloyd, etc.) it has failed utterly & the vast majority of voters are against it.

2. Course correct to the center & focus on core liberal values: free speech, church/state separation, religious freedom, press freedom, political freedom, individual rights, reproductive choice, equality before the law, etc. Those values have held up for 250 years. Pronouns are not principles.

3. Stay focused on what matters. Case in point: Trump's EO banning birthright citizenship, guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. Dems instead had a paroxysm over @elonmusk alleged Nazi salute. It's almost as if Trump sent Musk out there to distract Dems with a shiny object. Don't fall for it.

This is wishful thinking. I hope that the woke movement is over, but I am waiting for Democrats to admit it.

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