The Wikipedia definition of Alt-right is not so useful because it almost entirely the opinions of leftists. Likewise, for Alt-left. Sometimes Alt-right refers to a small group of obscure extremists, and sometimes it refers to all Trump supporters in the Republican Party. Here is Vox Day's definition.
The Republican Party is split between the Alt-Right and the cuckservatives, as illustrated by this Wash. Examiner op-ed. The author is upset that a liberal journalist found some racist comments on an email list, and he wants to join leftists in seeking purges of anyone who is even vaguely associated with anyone expressing a racist opinion.
The Alt-Right is disgusted by this attitude, because it inevitably censors good ideas and empowers the Left to control politics.
Right-wing sites are often hit by Hitler trolls who try to embarrass the site with pro-Hitler comments. They are just trolls, as Hitler is dead and has no supporters alive today. The cuckservatives panic and delete any comments that offend the Left. The Alt-Right is happy to offend the Left.
In fact, the Alt-Right sees offending the Left as a necessity. The Ctrl-Left is all about achieving groupthink by silencing alternative views. The Alt-Right has a long list of policy disagreements, and it cannot get started unless it can present facts and express opinions.
So it makes sense for the Alt-Right to offend the Ctrl-Left, and to test the boundaries of their censorship. The censorship must be broken to get an honest and productive discussion of policy alternatives.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
White decline spells trouble for Trump
Bloomberg/Yahoo reports:
I give them some credit for recognizing that Whites have political interests at stake, but how can they be so baffled about the cause?
We have had the most radical immigration policy any nation has ever had, for the last 50 years. It has increased our population by about 100M people, with a strong preference for non-whites. We have 100s of policies that favor non-whites, such as foreign language services for non-whites. All of the Democrat candidates favor a bunch of more policies favoring non-whites. There have obviously been systematic policies to import non-whites and displace Whites.
Decline of White Working Class in U.S. Spells Trouble for TrumpReally? They cannot figure out the cause?
The number of white working-class Americans dropped below 40% of the population for the first time last year, reflecting demographic shifts that could pose a challenge for President Donald Trump’s election in 2020.
White Americans without a four-year college represented 71% of the population in 1975. Their decline as a share of the population is expected to continue and they will no longer be the largest demographic group by 2034, according to a blog post Tuesday from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
There’s no single cause for the decline. More Americans are seeking a college education, and leading causes of death — including the opioid epidemic, alcoholism and suicide — are hitting working-class whites hardest. And birth rates for whites are slowing compared with nonwhites.
“Whatever the cause, the decline of this group will undoubtedly continue to have lasting economic and social consequences for the U.S.,” ...
I give them some credit for recognizing that Whites have political interests at stake, but how can they be so baffled about the cause?
We have had the most radical immigration policy any nation has ever had, for the last 50 years. It has increased our population by about 100M people, with a strong preference for non-whites. We have 100s of policies that favor non-whites, such as foreign language services for non-whites. All of the Democrat candidates favor a bunch of more policies favoring non-whites. There have obviously been systematic policies to import non-whites and displace Whites.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Jews say OK = Hate
CNN reports:
Here is the Hate Symbols Database. It includes a lot of numbers, so it is hard to avoid the symbols even if you try.
No other religion tries to regulate what symbols others can use.
Australia considered saying ‘it’s OK to be white’, but rejected it. It is not okay with some politicians, I guess.
Not on the list yet is the slogan "Islam is right about women." That has triggered liberals to call the police! Apparently we might not be permitted any discussion of whether Islam is right or wrong about women.
Followers of Islam must thinks that it is right about women. Opponents of female circumcision and other practices disagree. Importing Moslems is creating a subculture with certain beliefs and practices with women. Is that good or bad?
The "OK" hand gesture is now a hate symbol, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League.Got that? The story was a hoax to make fun of the ADL overreacting, so now the ADL complies and overreacts.
The ADL added that symbol along with several others on Thursday to its long-standing database of slogans and symbols used by extremists.
The finger-and-thumb OK sign is universally known for meaning everything is all right or approval of something. ...
The OK hand gesture and its link to white nationalism began as a hoax cooked up by users of the website 4chan, who falsely linked it to white supremacy, according to the ADL.
It was meant to bait the media or people with liberal ideals to overreact, ADL experts say, and therefore look ridiculous for condemning such an innocuous sign. ...
The slogan Diversity = White Genocide has also been added.
Here is the Hate Symbols Database. It includes a lot of numbers, so it is hard to avoid the symbols even if you try.
No other religion tries to regulate what symbols others can use.
Australia considered saying ‘it’s OK to be white’, but rejected it. It is not okay with some politicians, I guess.
Not on the list yet is the slogan "Islam is right about women." That has triggered liberals to call the police! Apparently we might not be permitted any discussion of whether Islam is right or wrong about women.
Followers of Islam must thinks that it is right about women. Opponents of female circumcision and other practices disagree. Importing Moslems is creating a subculture with certain beliefs and practices with women. Is that good or bad?
Friday, September 27, 2019
Humoring mentally ill girls
It seems rude to call Greta Thunberg mentally ill, when she looks like a 10-year-old child. But mental illness is part of her schtick, and she is 16.5 years old, and has vast resources helping her promote her message. She uses psychotic theatrics as an attention-getting device, and she tries to be Fearless Girl.
See Wikipedia for a list of her diagnosed mental illnesses, or see this opinion from one of the top Czech psychiatrists, saying her speech "shows an immature child with autistic problems and without a glimpse of a social perception." She looks freaky, and I wonder if she has a worse problem than has been publicly revealed.
For all I know, she has gotten medical and psychiatric advice to subject us all to her antics.
According to this research, women need to keep bitching about their problems in order to maintain their health:
Update: The Czech psychiatrist was fired for his opinion.
See Wikipedia for a list of her diagnosed mental illnesses, or see this opinion from one of the top Czech psychiatrists, saying her speech "shows an immature child with autistic problems and without a glimpse of a social perception." She looks freaky, and I wonder if she has a worse problem than has been publicly revealed.
For all I know, she has gotten medical and psychiatric advice to subject us all to her antics.
According to this research, women need to keep bitching about their problems in order to maintain their health:
Women are more at risk of stroke than men and are less likely to recover, statistics show. This has been linked to the menstrual cycle, hormonal contraceptives and pregnancy complications.So women go around accusing men of things, whether true or not. This French woman just got busted for lying about her target:
The scientists, led by Karen Jakubowski, were interested to discover the role so-called 'self-silencing' could play.
Many people hold their thoughts and emotions inside in an effort to avoid arguments or the breakdown of a relationship, they wrote.
However, self-silencing has been linked to both poor mental and physical health in women.
PARIS (AP) — A Paris court ruled on Wednesday that the woman who launched the French version of the #MeToo movement must pay 20,000 euros ($22,000) for defaming the man she accused of harassment.Another psycho case is Chanel Miller, whose claim to fame is a drunken date with a Stanford boy. She doesn't remember what happened, but her clothes were on the whole time. She openly admits in interviews that she is publishing her gripes so that she can feel better about herself.
Update: The Czech psychiatrist was fired for his opinion.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
America was founded as a Christian nation
Many say that America was not founded as a Christian nation, such as this book. They point to Jefferson believing in the Christian message, but not the divinity of Jesus.
Historian Clayton Cramer writes that the founding was Christian:
Based on this, it ought to be constitutional to limit immigration to Christians, or to refuse tax exemptions to mosques.
Historian Clayton Cramer writes that the founding was Christian:
Most states required you to be a Christian — sometimes specifically a Protestant — to hold public office. Some states kept these requirements as late as 1840. Many state constitutions connect religion and law: ... Massachusetts passed a 1782 law requiring church attendance: ...If this is correct, then the US Supreme Court has been interpreting the Constitution wrong for about 60 years.
Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story in 1833 explained the purpose of the “no establishment” clause in the First Amendment:
The real object of the amendment was not to countenance, much less to advance, Mahometanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity; but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects, and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment which should give to a hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government. -- Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 3:1688
A national establishment of religion would have been a source of continual political conflict, because no single Protestant denomination was even close to a majority. The idea that the government needed to be neutral with respect to religion vs. atheism — or even Christianity vs. other religions — would have caused some serious head scratching among the Revolution's leaders.
Based on this, it ought to be constitutional to limit immigration to Christians, or to refuse tax exemptions to mosques.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
40 accusations against Trump
The NY Times summarizes its gripes against Pres. Trump into 40 sound bites:
It ends with:
Sometimes it’s worth stepping back to look at the full picture.Most of these can be readily seen to be completely false. A few are true, such as "He has refused to release his tax returns." But even that is misleading, as the NY Times claims to have leaked copies of his tax returns.
He has pressured a foreign leader to interfere in the 2020 American presidential election.
He urged a foreign country to intervene in the 2016 presidential election.
He divulged classified information to foreign officials.
It ends with:
He is the president of the United States, and he is a threat to virtually everything that the United States should stand for.There we get the heart of the matter. The NY Times is run by anti-American creeps who have sick and bizarre ideas about what the USA should stand for. And Trump does not go along with their agenda.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Trump uses simplifying language
A Nautilus essay accuses Pres. Donald Trump of mental illness, and explains:

It turns out that simpler language is part of a wider trend. The above chart shows: Vocabulary decline in adult non-Hispanic White Americans (controlled for years of education completed).
We have a much more educated population, as more and more students finish high school and attend college. And yet they understand and use fewer words. Even the Bible has had to be dumbed down several times since the King James Version. It is not clear whether intelligence is declining, or colleges are less effective, or what.
Also in the NY Times, Michelle Goldberg writes:
Another NY Times article gloats about White Protestant men being exterminated:
To psycholinguist Julie Sedivy, it’s not Trump’s rambling language that’s worrisome, it’s his regular usage. “I think we have rarely had a president who uses such simple and simplifying language,” she said in an interview with Nautilus.On the other hand, there are lots of Trump-haters who write thousands of words on why they hate Trump, but they never really get to the point.
And why is that concerning? “There’s some interesting research that has looked at the correlation between simple language and the tendency of U.S. presidents to behave in authoritarian ways,” Sedivy said. “There is a predictive relationship that speeches that are expressed using very simple basic language tend to precede very authoritarian acts like the use of executive orders … That certainly plays out in the use of the heavy reliance on simple notions like amazing, sad, bad, unfair. These really strip away a lot of the complexities that are behind them. They reduce information into very gross impressions. The simplification of points of view, the simplification of the good and the bad, and even just the conveyance that, ‘We’re going to make good deals,’ for example. ‘It’s going to be great.’ That this is a simple problem just waiting for someone who has the right instincts to come along and solve this, is absolutely pervasive in Donald Trump’s language.” ...
By reducing complexity to simplified language, Sedivy said, “we’re essentially lying about the nature of the world.”

It turns out that simpler language is part of a wider trend. The above chart shows: Vocabulary decline in adult non-Hispanic White Americans (controlled for years of education completed).
We have a much more educated population, as more and more students finish high school and attend college. And yet they understand and use fewer words. Even the Bible has had to be dumbed down several times since the King James Version. It is not clear whether intelligence is declining, or colleges are less effective, or what.
Also in the NY Times, Michelle Goldberg writes:
Near the beginning of “Where’s My Roy Cohn?” the new documentary about the lawyer and power broker who mentored Donald Trump, an interviewee says, “Roy Cohn’s contempt for people, his contempt for the law, was so evident on his face that if you were in his presence, you knew you were in the presence of evil.” He wasn’t being hyperbolic.Wow, if a non-Jew said this, he would be accused of anti-semitism.
Today, wealth and power can still buy horrible people a degree of social acceptance. Sean Spicer lied to the American people for a living and is now on “Dancing With the Stars.” Ivanka Trump is still reportedly invited to celebrity weddings.This is so ridiculous, maybe she is just trolling us.
Another NY Times article gloats about White Protestant men being exterminated:
White Christians are losing more than an electoral majority; their once-dominant status in American society is eroding. Half a century ago, white Protestant men occupied nearly all our country’s high-status positions: They made up nearly all the elected officials, business leaders and media figures. Those days are over, but the loss of a group’s social status can feel deeply threatening. Many rank-and-file Republicans believe that the country they grew up in is being taken away from them.Their country is being taken away from them.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Camille Paglia is hated for the wrong reasons
There have been attempts to get her fired, but not for support of child porn and pedophilia. They wanted her fired for not following certain other leftist views.
I am not saying she should be fired. She is a kook with a lot of nutty views, but her critics should be able to explain why she is wrong. It is just amazing that she is held out as some sort of free speech hero for expressing some commonplace opinions, while she gets away with saying extremely radical and offensive things all the time.
Camille Paglia's Approval of Child Pornography And Sexual Contact with ChildrenAs the article explains, she has a long history of promoting views that would normally make her an outcast.
Camille Paglia is a self-described libertarian feminist and is a professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.
For a number of years now, Paglia has been promoted by conservative pundits and media outlets as a sane voice of reason in the midst of an increasingly absurd and malevolent political climate. She is touted as being a renegade feminist, and as an unlikely ally who daringly opposes the most egregious excesses of modern feminist philosophy.
There have been attempts to get her fired, but not for support of child porn and pedophilia. They wanted her fired for not following certain other leftist views.
I am not saying she should be fired. She is a kook with a lot of nutty views, but her critics should be able to explain why she is wrong. It is just amazing that she is held out as some sort of free speech hero for expressing some commonplace opinions, while she gets away with saying extremely radical and offensive things all the time.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
All the poop that's fit to print
I may quit reading the NY Times. Not only is it left-wing biased, full of trashy doubtful allegations, and evil, it is written by disgusting lunatics. Just read this essay for proof:
There once was a woman who walked regularly from her office in Midtown Manhattan to a hotel across the street in order to use the restroom, and that woman may have been one of us. ...Remember this when relying on the NY Times as the American newspaper of record.
And then there’s the Poop Dupe ...
Or maybe you just hold it. According to a recent survey of 1,000 Canadian women, 71 percent said they go “to great lengths to avoid defecating — especially in a public washroom.” (Is it any surprise to hear that women are more constipated than men?) ...
According to the work of Dr. Robynne Chutkan, an integrative gastroenterologist and the author of “Gutbliss,” women’s poop anxiety might not simply be cultural or even psychological.
Friday, September 20, 2019
SJWs claim more victims
Today's SJW victims are Canada's Justin Trudeau and Richard Stallman. How far will this go?
Doesn't Canada have more important issues than somebody's Halloween costume 20 years ago? I very much doubt that anyone is really offended. All I hear is people who pretend to be offended in behalf of others.
Stallman's crime was defending Marvin Minsky. Minsky is dead, and cannot defend himself against the accusations of misbehavior. The accusations are doubtful, and I don't believe them either. Stallman should certainly be allowed to defend a colleague from false accusations.
The NY Times has reporters profiting off their dubious accusations in a "She Said" book. In particular, they attack Gloria Allred and her lawyer daughter for not being forthcoming for their book. In one case, Allred's firm got some woman a $125k confidential settlement in 2004 for watching Harvey Weinstein masturbate. The NY Times attacks Allred for not getting a better deal for the woman, but that was an exceptionally favorable settlement for the woman. My guess is that 99% of women would eagerly take such a settlement. I guess the point of She Said is to whine about women's issues, even if they don't make any sense.
Doesn't Canada have more important issues than somebody's Halloween costume 20 years ago? I very much doubt that anyone is really offended. All I hear is people who pretend to be offended in behalf of others.
Stallman's crime was defending Marvin Minsky. Minsky is dead, and cannot defend himself against the accusations of misbehavior. The accusations are doubtful, and I don't believe them either. Stallman should certainly be allowed to defend a colleague from false accusations.
The NY Times has reporters profiting off their dubious accusations in a "She Said" book. In particular, they attack Gloria Allred and her lawyer daughter for not being forthcoming for their book. In one case, Allred's firm got some woman a $125k confidential settlement in 2004 for watching Harvey Weinstein masturbate. The NY Times attacks Allred for not getting a better deal for the woman, but that was an exceptionally favorable settlement for the woman. My guess is that 99% of women would eagerly take such a settlement. I guess the point of She Said is to whine about women's issues, even if they don't make any sense.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Barack Obama was the authoritarian
From a NY Times column:
It was a political disaster, as Democrats lost most of their power from then until Nov. 2016. They didn't recover until Nov. 2018.
Another NY Times column calls Pres. Trump "the most authoritarian American president in living memory, elected by a paltry minority". No, he was elected by a majority in the way votes are counted in our system, and he is much less authoritarian than Obama was. Here is the real complaint with Trump:
He explains that there is only one obstacle to exterminating the White Christian conservatives -- they belong to citizen militias. So he urges plans by Beto O'Rourke and others to disarm the Whites.
Meanwhile, it is the Left that appears to be itching to provoke a Civil War. Increasingly, California is rebelling against federal policies, and acting as if it wants to secede.
In 2009, Barack Obama was the most powerful newly elected American president in a generation. Democrats controlled the House and, for about five months in the second half of the year, they enjoyed a filibuster-proof, 60-vote majority in the Senate. For the first six months of his presidency, Obama had an approval rating in the 60s.My recollection is that Obama used the opportunity to take over the banking, automobile, and health care industries. It was the biggest wave of nationalizations in American history. Was that not enough?
Democrats also had a once-in-a-lifetime political opportunity presented by a careening global crisis. ...
If he’d been in the mood to press the case, Obama might have found widespread public appetite for the sort of aggressive, interventionist restructuring of the American economy that Franklin D. Roosevelt conjured with the New Deal.
It was a political disaster, as Democrats lost most of their power from then until Nov. 2016. They didn't recover until Nov. 2018.
Another NY Times column calls Pres. Trump "the most authoritarian American president in living memory, elected by a paltry minority". No, he was elected by a majority in the way votes are counted in our system, and he is much less authoritarian than Obama was. Here is the real complaint with Trump:
But the premise of Trumpist populism is that the legitimacy and authority of government is conditional on agreement with the political preferences of a shrinking minority of citizens — a group mainly composed of white, Christian conservatives. ...He is boasting that White Christian conservatives will be demographically marginalized, and eliminated from political power.
Votes? Sooner or later, they won’t have enough, and they know it.
He explains that there is only one obstacle to exterminating the White Christian conservatives -- they belong to citizen militias. So he urges plans by Beto O'Rourke and others to disarm the Whites.
Meanwhile, it is the Left that appears to be itching to provoke a Civil War. Increasingly, California is rebelling against federal policies, and acting as if it wants to secede.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
More anti-Trump fake news from the NY Times
The NY Times claims to have broken a story about some misbehavior many decades ago, and now the leading Democrat candidates are calling for impeachment. But the story had this correction:
And no one thought that it was important that the supposed accuser denies the accusation?
The NY Times is evil.
On Sunday, the New York Times updated its story reporting a new assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, which had drawn widespread attention, to clarify that the woman at the center of the incident does not recall it.With this story being the paper's biggest scoop in weeks, and with it being considered such political dynamite, it is surely the case that the management and top editors signed off on it.
And no one thought that it was important that the supposed accuser denies the accusation?
The NY Times is evil.
Monday, September 16, 2019
NY Times pushes white supremacist theory
Left-wing pundit Andrew Sullivan writes:
Meanwhile, NY Times columnist Paul Krugman brags in this video that white non-Jews are being exterminated. This is another theory that is blamed on white supremacists. When whites say that they are being wiped out, it is called a false conspiracy theory. But NY Times Jewish columnists say the same thing.
The New York Times, by its executive editor’s own admission, is increasingly engaged in a project of reporting everything through the prism of white supremacy and critical race theory, in order to “teach” its readers to think in these crudely reductionist and racial terms. That’s why this issue wasn’t called, say, “special issue”, but a “project”. It’s as much activism as journalism. ...The Dred Scot supreme court decision said that the USA was founded as a white supremacist nation, and various others have made similar arguments. I am just surprised to see the NY Times get on board with this view.
the NYT chose a neo-Marxist rather than liberal path to make a very specific claim: that slavery is not one of many things that describe America’s founding and culture, it is the definitive one. Arguing that the “true founding” was the arrival of African slaves on the continent, period, is a bitter rebuke to the actual founders and Lincoln. America is not a messy, evolving, multicultural, religiously infused, Enlightenment-based, racist, liberating, wealth-generating kaleidoscope of a society. It’s white supremacy, which started in 1619, and that’s the key to understand all of it.
Meanwhile, NY Times columnist Paul Krugman brags in this video that white non-Jews are being exterminated. This is another theory that is blamed on white supremacists. When whites say that they are being wiped out, it is called a false conspiracy theory. But NY Times Jewish columnists say the same thing.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The term Autism is becoming meaningless
The London Guardian reports:
The fields of psychiatry and psychology are dominated by those with an anti-masculine bias, so ordinary male traits can show up as symptoms of autism.
The word autism means a lot of different things to different people. To some, it conjures an image of the socially awkward eccentric who, besotted by a narrow set of interests, eschews small-talk and large gatherings in favour of solitude. To others, it’s a profoundly life-limiting disorder that consumes every waking hour of a family’s life, a medical disability that entails unpredictable bouts of aggression resulting in torn upholstery, cracked skulls and savage bites. Severely autistic people have a life expectancy of 36 in the United States and 39.5 in Europe, while their parents and care-givers often experience PTSD and stress similar to that of combat veterans. Mildly autistic people, on the other hand, though far more prone to depression and suicide, can go on to lead productive and fulfilling lives, often blending imperceptibly into the wider population despite their idiosyncracies and social difficulties.This is correct. The term has been expanded to include the severely mentally disabled, as well as many that are well within the normal range.
Many people now self-identify as autistic as though it were a fashion label rather than a debilitating disorder
Yet a report this week claimed that the difference between people diagnosed with autism and the rest of the population is shrinking. The autism spectrum is so all-encompassing that experts are now finally starting to question the validity of the term itself. After studying the meta-analyses of autism data, Dr Laurent Mottron, a professor at Université de Montréal, concluded that: “The objective difference between people with autism and the general population will disappear in less than 10 years. The definition of autism may get too vague to be meaningful.”
The fields of psychiatry and psychology are dominated by those with an anti-masculine bias, so ordinary male traits can show up as symptoms of autism.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Yale bans innocent grad student
Suppose you spend you whole life developing anti-racist credentials, but some crazy black women accuses you of racist profiling? Yale University had such a case. It ended up exonerating the student, but banning her from campus anyway.
Once she was outcast, others scrutinized her publications for traces of not sufficiently woke thinking. After finding a couple of sentences, a scholarly journal issued an apology for permitting a couple of sentences that some leftists might disagree with!
Academia has gone mad. Such differences of opinion should be celebrated.
Once she was outcast, others scrutinized her publications for traces of not sufficiently woke thinking. After finding a couple of sentences, a scholarly journal issued an apology for permitting a couple of sentences that some leftists might disagree with!
Academia has gone mad. Such differences of opinion should be celebrated.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The disappearing white middle class

From an academic paper, excerpted here.
So the only white women having two kids are the poor and the super-rich. And by super-rich, this presumably means having super-rich husbands. High-earning women usually don't have kids.
Replacement is a Total Fertility Rate of about 2.1 kids per women.
The middle class is also economically less viable. In California, only the super-rich can afford to buy homes. The poor sometimes get subsidized housing. College has become affordable for the rich and the poor, but a huge strain on the middle class.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Women say men are not good enough

The NY Post reports:
There’s a devastating shortage of men who have their act together, according to a new study that may not be so surprising to all the single ladies out there.The researchers asked women to describe their ideal mates, and then discovered that most of these women would have to settle for less.
Research now suggests that the reason for recent years’ decline in the marriage rate could have something to do with the lack of “economically attractive” male spouses who can bring home the bacon, according to the paper published Wednesday in the Journal of Family and Marriage.
“Most American women hope to marry, but current shortages of marriageable men — men with a stable job and a good income — make this increasingly difficult,” says lead author Daniel Lichter in a press release.
They could have asked people their ideal car, with make, model, and price, and then they would have discovered that people would have to pay more than they really wanted to.
The same reasoning would say that there is a shortage of any desirable commodity.
If you ask men about the available women, you will also find that there is a critical shortage of marriageable women. Surely that is a much bigger contributor to the decline in marriage.
It is true that a lot of women complain that the available men are not good enough, but that would be true no matter how good the men were.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Gay newspaper disavows gay gene research
A front-page San Francisco Chronicle newspaper reports:
The simple explanation is that the gay lobby did some market research, and discovered that the public was more accepting of same-sex marriage and other gay rights proposals if they believed that homosexuality was genetic. So they cooked up phony scientific evidence for a gay gene.
“I’ve said this multiple times: Why are we so obsessed with studying homosexuality?” Risch said. “Why not genetics of religiosity? Or genetics of homophobia? Racism? Why this?”The article strangely does not answer the question. It is true that the heritability of homosexuality is probably not much different from hundreds of other behaviors.
Risch joined many other scientists across the country in asking whether it is appropriate to keep spending time and money pursuing a genetic explanation for sexual orientation, when other human behaviors — never mind hundreds of heritable diseases — remain under-explored.
Geneticists have been hunting for a clue in human DNA that would help explain sexuality since the early 1990s, when a scientist at the National Institutes of Health claimed to have found a “gay gene” that was passed from mothers to sons. His initial work has never been successfully replicated, but dozens of other studies have been done since then looking for other genetic ties.
The simple explanation is that the gay lobby did some market research, and discovered that the public was more accepting of same-sex marriage and other gay rights proposals if they believed that homosexuality was genetic. So they cooked up phony scientific evidence for a gay gene.
It’s especially unsettling when sexual orientation is already a stigmatized, highly political issue, and it’s easy for even the most benign results to be misinterpreted, Reilly said. Already, he’d seen evidence on social media of people using the Broad Institute findings to support the long-disproved concept that sexual orientation is a choice, because it isn’t defined by one single gay gene.No, it is not a long-disproved concept. That was just the earlier propaganda that homosexuality is genetic, and not a choice.
Monday, September 09, 2019
Jews celebrate imminent GOP destruction
NY Times columnist Michelle Goldberg writes:
Toward the end of his new book, “R.I.P. G.O.P.,” the renowned Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg makes a thrilling prediction, delivered with the certainty of prophecy. “The year 2020 will produce a second blue wave on at least the scale of the first in 2018 and finally will crash and shatter the Republican Party that was consumed by the ill-begotten battle to stop the New America from governing,” he writes.I am just giving another example of how Jews think. She obviously believes that demographic displacement of White people will increase Jewish power, so Jews should work towards that end.
It sounds almost messianic: the Republican Party, that foul agglomeration of bigotry and avarice that has turned American politics into a dystopian farce, not just defeated but destroyed. The inexorable force of demography bringing us a new, enlightened political dispensation. Greenberg foresees “the death of the Republican Party as we’ve known it,” and a Democratic Party “liberated from the nation’s suffocating polarization to use government to advance the public good.” I’d like to believe it, and maybe you would too. But should we? ...
His confidence will not be enough to lessen the insomnia that has plagued me since the cursed night when Trump was elected.
Sunday, September 08, 2019
Buffalo churches are now mosques
Salon mag reports:
A lot of people do not agree with bringing in African children as pets, not just white supremacists.
His biggest gripe was about use of the word "invasion" to describe certain demographic changes. He wanted to stamp out the word as evil white supremacist propaganda. He seemed to think that it wrong implies that the invaders are hostile.
In fact common usage does not imply that the invaders intend to be hostile. People speak of an invasion of tourists, or an invasion of ants.
America is being invaded by foreigners who are transforming it into something else. The members of the Buffalo mosques are probably peaceful, and not terrorists, but they are still invaders.
Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia famously switched from a Christian church to a mosque in 1453.I just listened to an interview of David French, the conservative Trump-hater. He ranted against white supremacy, and against those who do not accept his adopted African daughter.
The same sort of conversions have been taking place in Buffalo’s East Side. ...
Two mosques, Bait Ul Mamur Inc. Masjid and Masjid Zakariya, used to be Saint Joachim’s Roman Catholic Church and Holy Mother of Rosary Polish National Catholic Church, respectively.
And two other formerly vacant churches that the Catholic diocese was struggling to sell were eventually sold. One, Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church, was converted into a mosque, Jami Masjid. Another, Saint Agnes Roman Catholic Church, became a temple, the International Sangha Bhiksu Buddhist Association.
A lot of people do not agree with bringing in African children as pets, not just white supremacists.
His biggest gripe was about use of the word "invasion" to describe certain demographic changes. He wanted to stamp out the word as evil white supremacist propaganda. He seemed to think that it wrong implies that the invaders are hostile.
In fact common usage does not imply that the invaders intend to be hostile. People speak of an invasion of tourists, or an invasion of ants.
America is being invaded by foreigners who are transforming it into something else. The members of the Buffalo mosques are probably peaceful, and not terrorists, but they are still invaders.
Saturday, September 07, 2019
Weiss wants Jews to align with other non-Christians
A Wash. Post article attacks NY Times columnist Bari Weiss as if she were a white supremacist or a slavery apologist, but she is really a Jewish supremacist. To decide for yourself, see her latest column:
But the Jewish religion is to complain about imaginary persecutions.
I strongly disapprove of murder, of course, but one murder in six months is not a lot.
The Moslem neighbors recognize that, and expressed their support for Jews importing Third World Moslems.
Update: The NY Times also just released this YouTube interview of Weiss. I have not watched it, but supposedly she says “Anyone who knows Jews in Europe knows that they all have a plan.” The plan from George Soros and many others is to flood Europe with Moslem migrants.
Since you are reading this, I probably don’t have to tell you that the news these days is not good for the Jews.Now this is just lunacy. Jews have more economic power and political and cultural high status than they are ever had in their history. Per capita, they are the most powerful ethnic group in the world. Saying that the news is "not good" is just a way of saying that the Jews have not yet achieved world domination.
But the Jewish religion is to complain about imaginary persecutions.
For the second time in American history — and the second time in six months — Jews were shot dead in synagogue by a neo-Nazi, this time in Poway, Calif.No, "Jews" were not shot dead. According to Wikipedia, only one Jew died.
I strongly disapprove of murder, of course, but one murder in six months is not a lot.
In the last week of August, there were three assaults on ultra-Orthodox Jewish men in Brooklyn — attacks largely not covered by the press perhaps because, as in a majority of anti-Semitic instances in New York, the perpetrators were not white supremacists.So they are Blacks or Pakistanis? Why all the complaining about Whites? These are simple crimes, and such crimes are committed overwhelmingly by Blacks and immigrant populations, and Jews make excuses for them.
Conversion out of Judaism could never be the answer to anti-Semitism. That was merely self-mutilation born out of fear and despair.Self-mutilation? Okay, it is clear that she believes Jews must maintain their hatred of Christianity.
As Wasi Mohamed, then the head of the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh, pointed out: ... Our [Moslem] neighbors understood that an attack on the Jewish community was an attack on them, too.That is because the Pittsburgh shooter explained that his anger at the synagogue was based on its efforts to import Third World non-Christians and criminals into the USA.
The Moslem neighbors recognize that, and expressed their support for Jews importing Third World Moslems.
Update: The NY Times also just released this YouTube interview of Weiss. I have not watched it, but supposedly she says “Anyone who knows Jews in Europe knows that they all have a plan.” The plan from George Soros and many others is to flood Europe with Moslem migrants.
Friday, September 06, 2019
Wash Post wants to suppress the Reasonable Right
The Wash. Post slogan is:
If that seems like a stretch, consider this Wash. Post op-ed:
Apparently some people wanted to use reason, truth, and common sense to avoid the Civil War. That seems like it was a worthy goal to me, as the war was a disaster.
The gist of this article is that reasonable people tried to avoid the Civil War, and now there are seemingly reasonable prople using truth and common sense to try to avoid Civil War 2.0. If the Left is going to succeed in its war goals, it must censor and ostracize these folks on the reasonable right and center.
Democracy Dies in DarknessThis sounds like a White supremacist slogan. That is, one could read that as saying that majority rule does not work with too many darkies.
If that seems like a stretch, consider this Wash. Post op-ed:
After the El Paso shooting, Ben Shapiro, a popular conservative podcaster, asked Americans to draw a line between the few conservatives who are white supremacists and those who, like him, aren’t.Ben Shapiro is a Jewish supremacist, not a white supremacist.
Not all these figures identify as right-wing. They typically dislike President Trump but say they’re being pushed rightward — or driven to defend the rights of conservatives — by intolerance and extremism on the left.She goes on to list a bunch of left-wingers.
The reasonable right’s rhetoric is exactly the same as the antebellum rhetoric I’d read so much of. The same exact words. The same exact arguments. Rhetoric, to be precise, in support of the slave-owning South. ...I learned from this article. Until now, I did not know why John Wilkes Booth shot Pres. Lincoln.
They stressed the importance of logic, “facts,” “truth,” “science” and “nature” much more than Northern rhetoricians did. They chided their adversaries for being romantic idealists, ignoring the “experience of centuries.”
Apparently some people wanted to use reason, truth, and common sense to avoid the Civil War. That seems like it was a worthy goal to me, as the war was a disaster.
If you hear somebody lament, as Bret Stephens does, that political “opinions that were considered reasonable and normal” not too long ago now must be “delivered in whispers,” it might be antebellum reasoning. If somebody says — as Harris has — that our politics are at risk of ignoring common sense, logic or the realities of human biology, it might be antebellum reasoning. If somebody such as Nicholas Kristof says ...These are all extreme Trump-haters.
The gist of this article is that reasonable people tried to avoid the Civil War, and now there are seemingly reasonable prople using truth and common sense to try to avoid Civil War 2.0. If the Left is going to succeed in its war goals, it must censor and ostracize these folks on the reasonable right and center.
Thursday, September 05, 2019 may be innocent has been shut down for alleged child trafficking, but Reason reports that it is all a lie:
Reason also defends Johnson & Johnson. Yes, we have an opioid crisis, but it is not clear that these lawsuits will help anything. The tobacco lawsuits mainly just enriched some law firms.
In April 2012, two federal prosecutors sent their boss a memo about Backpage, the site that had, since 2004, been operating like a parallel Craigslist. What would unravel over the course of the 24-page document contradicts almost everything we've heard from federal authorities about Backpage since.I am not surprised. Backpage seemed to be just a competitor to Craigslist. Because of potential legal liability, Craigslist has had to remove personal (dating) ads. Both operated on the principle that users can post anything, and then offensive and illegal ads get flagged and removed.
The memo—subject: " Investigation" — reveals that six years before Backpage leaders were indicted on federal criminal charges, prosecutors had already begun building a "child sex trafficking" case against the company. But this case was hampered by the fact that Backpage kept trying to help stop sex trafficking.
"Information provided to us by [FBI Agent Steve] Vienneau and other members of the Innocence Lost Task Force confirm that, unlike virtually every other website that is used for prostitution and sex trafficking, Backpage is remarkably responsive to law enforcement requests and often takes proactive steps to assist in investigations," wrote Catherine Crisham and Aravind Swaminathan, both assistant U.S. attorneys for the Western District of Washington, in the April 3 memo to Jenny Durkan, now mayor of Seattle and then head federal prosecutor for the district. Vienneau told prosecutors that "on many occasions," Backpage staff proactively sent him "advertisements that appear to contain pictures of juveniles" and that the company was "very cooperative at removing these advertisements at law enforcement's request."
"Even without a subpoena, in exigent circumstances such as a child rescue situation, Backpage will provide the maximum information and assistance permitted under the law," wrote Crisham and Swaminathan.
Reason also defends Johnson & Johnson. Yes, we have an opioid crisis, but it is not clear that these lawsuits will help anything. The tobacco lawsuits mainly just enriched some law firms.
Wednesday, September 04, 2019
How TV went queer
I junked my TV about ten years ago. No regrets.
The NY Times reports on some reality TV man named "Kai":
The NY Times reports on some reality TV man named "Kai":
I’m a voyeur, so I might be biased, but what happens next is arguably the most pleasurable eight minutes of reality television in the last decade. It’s better than Justin Timberlake crying on “Punk’d.” It’s better than Kim Kardashian’s meltdown after she loses her diamond earring in Bora Bora, or maybe even the time a Real Housewife gets so angry she slams her prosthetic leg on a table. A night-vision camera shows Jenna, sleeping in the nearby communal bedroom, then cuts to Kai, who is lounging on an outdoor bed (are there any couches in this compound?) with a handsome raven-haired man named Remy. The two flirt for a few moments, kiss and then go ... right back to the boom boom room. Later, Kai crawls into bed with Jenna, who has slept through the entire debacle, and the two embrace. Although there’s definitely an element of reality-TV debauchery, those eight minutes stand out for showing the spectrum of human sexual experiences that queer people enjoy.MTV used to be a music channel.
Monday, September 02, 2019
Long term American trend towards tolerance
From a Quillette essay:
But there has been less tolerance of right-wing political views. In the past couple of years, many important views have been banned from Amazon, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. More and more the Left has sought to ostracize those of whom it disapproves.
Boston had a Straight Pride parade, and the anti-straights rioted, causing many injuries and arrests. So there is tolerance for queers, but not for straights.
Claims of hate crimes are exaggerated:
Though it’s hard to appreciate it in the age of Trump, the arc of American history shows we are trending towards greater tolerance, not intolerance. Researchers at Harvard recently used data collected between 2007 and 2016 to show that there has been a dramatic reduction in both implicit and explicit bias about race. The long-term trend is that Americans are getting more tolerant. And there is little that white supremacist terrorists can do about it.That is correct that there has been greater tolerance towards non-whites, Moslems, LGBTs, etc.
But there has been less tolerance of right-wing political views. In the past couple of years, many important views have been banned from Amazon, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. More and more the Left has sought to ostracize those of whom it disapproves.
Boston had a Straight Pride parade, and the anti-straights rioted, causing many injuries and arrests. So there is tolerance for queers, but not for straights.
Claims of hate crimes are exaggerated:
Last March, a number of media outlets—including The Washington Post, Business Insider, Vox, and The Hill—reported a startling figure: During the 2016 campaign, U.S. counties in which candidate Donald Trump held a political rally experienced a 226 percent increase in hate crimes over those that did not.And of course white folks are leading the push for favoring non-whites:
The Post reupped this claim in a recent article, and numerous Trump-critical politicians—including Sen. Bernie Sanders (D–Vt.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D–Minn.)—seized upon it. "Mr. President: stop your racist, hateful and anti-immigrant rhetoric," wrote Sanders in a Facebook post that referenced the statistic. "Your language creates a climate which emboldens violent extremists."
But much like the unsupported idea that the hate crime rate is higher than ever, the 226 percent statistic doesn't quite stand up to scrutiny.
The source of the statistic is a study by political scientists Ayal Feinberg,
But who preaches against the evils of white privilege? Well, white liberals mainly.This is why many non-whites prefer to live in a white supremacist nation.
According to Pew survey data collected in 2017, 79.2 percent of white liberals agreed that “racial discrimination is the main reason why many black people can’t get ahead these days.” In fact, white liberals are to the left of blacks on this issue, with 59.9 percent of blacks viewing discrimination as the main deterrent to upward mobility. A similar trend can be observed in a 2018 ANES survey where 87 percent of white liberals reported that an increase in ethnic diversity would make the U.S. a better place to live.
White liberals were also the most likely to both support race-based affirmative action and the removal of racist books from public libraries.
Sunday, September 01, 2019
Importing Nigerians to reduce inbreeding
What would people say if some Irish Catholic guy got power in Israel, and started systematically importing non-Jews and changing the laws to be a Moslem country? We would hear cries of Genocide.
Something similar happened in Ireland. It is being systematically transformed to a non-Irish non-Catholic country.
Something similar happened in Ireland. It is being systematically transformed to a non-Irish non-Catholic country.
But it was in his efforts in the field of immigration that Shatter demonstrated real revolutionary zeal. Between 2011 and 2014, Shatter utterly transformed the Irish citizenship process, personally granting Irish citizenship to 69,000 foreign nationals. In August 2013 he took steps to expand the Irish asylum process, citing the Syrian Civil War as the reason but later conceding that the highest number of asylum applications was actually coming from Nigerians and Pakistanis. In fact, Shatter was so keen to boost the number of Africans entering Ireland that the rejection rate for African asylum applications dropped from 47% to 3% as soon as he took office. He was so celebrated in Africa that he won the Africa World Man of the Year Award in 2012. ...These are crazy arguments, as the article explains. It is amazing that the Irish were so manipulated by another ethnic group.
If Shatter and Lentin weren’t enough, Twitter recently erupted due the recent emergence of Laura Weinstein, a New York PhD who now lives in Ireland and claims to be an expert in Irish history and culture. Of all the aspects of Irish history and culture she could have chosen to focus on, however, Dr Weinstein has decided she is most interested, like Lentin, in the “myth” of a homogeneous Irish identity and “right wing Irish nationalism,” and appears to employ her Twitter account, to a large degree, to the trolling of Irish political figures opposed to mass immigration. If Shatter and Lentin weren’t enough, Twitter recently erupted due the recent emergence of Laura Weinstein, a New York PhD who now lives in Ireland and claims to be an expert in Irish history and culture. Of all the aspects of Irish history and culture she could have chosen to focus on, however, Dr Weinstein has decided she is most interested, like Lentin, in the “myth” of a homogeneous Irish identity and “right wing Irish nationalism,” and appears to employ her Twitter account, to a large degree, to the trolling of Irish political figures opposed to mass immigration. Several days ago, for example, she responded to a post by the National Party pointing out that multiculturalism essentially results in identity crisis for all in society by basically implying that Irish opposition to immigration would leave the Irish like “neurotic” “inbred” “dogs.” She wrote: “Gene flow as a result of immigration prevents the negative impact of inbreeding. But, go ahead and constrain migration and gene flow if you want to create a race of humans that reflects the neuroticism of “pure bred” dogs. Just be sure to hold a referendum on inbreeding first.”
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