Thursday, January 22, 2009

Teach the pleasure of gay sex

A UK newspaper reports:
Children as young as five should be taught to understand the pleasures of gay sex, according to leaders of a taxpayer-funded education project.

Heads of the project have set themselves a goal of 'creating primary classrooms where queer sexualities are affirmed and celebrated'. ...

The stated purpose of the project - which is operating in 14 primary schools - is to stop bullying and prejudice aimed at homosexuals.

However, at a seminar at Exeter University tomorrow, supporters of the group will go beyond the anti-bullying agenda and discuss 'pleasure and desire in educational contexts'.
Get used to it. This is an evitable consequence of the gay marriage movement. So is legalized polygamy:
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Canada’s decision to legalize gay marriage has paved the way for polygamy to be legal as well, a defense lawyer said Wednesday as the two leaders of rival polygamous communities made their first court appearance.
Criticizing polygamy may soon be illegal in Canada and Europe. Dutch politician Geert Wilders is currenly on trial for making movie that is allegedly offensive to Mohammedans:
Having his own party liberates Mr. Wilders to speak his mind. As he sees it, the West suffers from an excess of toleration for those who do not share its tradition of tolerance. "We believe that -- 'we' means the political elite -- that all cultures are equal," he says. "I believe this is the biggest disease today facing Europe. . . . We should wake up and tell ourselves: You're not a xenophobe, you're not a racist, you're not a crazy guy if you say, 'My culture is better than yours.' A culture based on Christianity, Judaism, humanism is better. Look at how we treat women, look at how we treat apostates, look at how we go with the separation of church and state. I can give you 500 examples why our culture is better." ...

The problem is Islam itself. "I see Islam more as an ideology than as a religion," he explains.

His own view of Islam is a fundamentalist one: "According to the Quran, there are no moderate Muslims. It's not Geert Wilders who's saying that, it's the Quran . . . saying that. It's many imams in the world who decide that. It's the people themselves who speak about it and talk about the terrible things -- the genital mutilation, the honor killings. This is all not Geert Wilders, but those imams themselves who say this is the best way of Islam."
The core of the court case against him seems to be that the movie compared Islam to Nazism, and the Koran and Mein Kampf.

In the USA and on the internet, calling someone a Nazi is just another way of saying that you disagree with him. Here is a Michigan lawyer who got into trouble for calling judges Nazis.
DETROIT - A federal appeals court threw out a lawsuit Tuesday by Geoffrey Fieger, who claims his criticism of Michigan judges is protected by the First Amendment. ...

"The Michigan Supreme Court emphasized that Fieger violated the rules, not because he criticized judges, but because he made vulgar, personally abusive comments about participants in a pending case," the appeals court said.

Fieger said the judges who reversed his medical-malpractice verdict were "three jackass ... judges." He likened them to Nazi leaders and said Judge Jane Markey was "Eva Braun," wife of Adolf Hitler.
He lost 4-3 in the Michigan Supreme Court and 2-1 in the US appeals court, but all he got was a formal reprimand for violating rules of professional conduct. He was not fined or jailed, and he did not get his law license suspended. I would think that he would be happy that someone bothered to notice his incivil remarks, since he does not seem to have any regrets about what he said.

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