Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Intersex and ambiguous toilets

John sends this story about a local restaurant:
The Saturn -- a gay-friendly vegan/vegetarian eatery that has been a Santa Cruz institution for a quarter-century -- is not just the place to go for the quintessential Santa Cruz dining experience. The Laurel Street restaurant is at the heart of a small but growing movement aimed at making transgender and ``intersex'' people -- those born with genitalia that aren't typically male or female -- feel more comfortable using public facilities.

``This is the new wave -- to really look at bathrooms,'' said Deborah Abbott, director of the Lionel Cantú Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex Resource Center at the University of California-Santa Cruz. ...

``Single-sex toilets give bigots another excuse to hit people,'' Ian Ayres, a Yale Law School professor, argued in a recent commentary published by the online magazine Slate.
Instead of trying to list all the deviant possibilities, I think that they should call their organization the Queer Center, and advocate a third bathroom just for queers.

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